Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Getting Started

I have decided enough is enough.  I have to do something about my health.  I have two young kids and my parents' health is not spectacular by any means.  I'm on the fast track to diabetes and heart disease.  Like much of the country these days.  Anywho...I decided to give in and try the 3 Day Refresh from Beachbody.  I'm on day 2.  And I'm not gonna lie...it's not exactly a walk in the park.  The breakfast shake is by far my favorite.  But the lack of food otherwise is my least favorite.  I like food.  Obviously.  If I didn't, I wouldn't need to create a blog to keep myself accountable.  That's really what this is about.  If I don't have some serious motivation behind me, I fall off track real quick-like.  I like food.  Did I say that already??  Because it's very true.  I like to cook it, bake it, chop it, eat it, etc. etc. 

But as I was saying...Day 2...I'm hungry.  I do like the shakes and since it's only three days, I can do it.  But my biggest challenge will be sticking to some sort of healthy eating plan once it's over.  I've got a long way to go to get to "healthy" as the doctors' see it for my height.  (a measly 5'4")  Food is definitely my biggest hurdle.  Especially sweets.  My sweet tooth pretty much encompasses my whole mouth.  I love them.  It's a terrible thing.  My hubs doesn't really like sweets at all.  I mean really....won't eat cookies or brownies or cake.  Just likes the occasional bowl of ice cream or Snickers bar but that's it.  How do I get that gene??  Can someone please hypnotize me so that I don't like them either?  It's really just not fair.  

My plan (which will likely change about a million times) is my Shakeology for breakfast in the morning and eliminating processed foods and fast food almost entirely.  We don't even eat fast food often but we eat out often enough that I need to make it a goal to quit.  I recently bought the 100 Days of Real Food cookbook (Highly recommend!!) and love reading through it so far.  It's scary to me how awful Americans' health is in general & the fact that our USDA and FDA allow so many chemicals in our foods that are banned elsewhere.  But that's a rant for another day.  

I need to get better about planning meals though and prepping so that I'm not scrambling for food once hunger has already set in.  I really do like fresh fruits and veggies but when I'm hungry it's just not what sounds good.  I will say that I like the schedule with this 3 Day Refresh.  If I keep an actual schedule like this it probably won't really allow for me to get super hungry.  That would be a huge benefit!  Speaking of schedule...it's time for my afternoon snack.  A red pepper with 2 Tbsp of hummus.  Delicious. 

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